VPC Networking - Part 1

Creating Simplified || Standard VPC-Networking


cd ~/environment/terraform/modules/tf-vpc

## Initialize Terraform
terraform init

## Format code, validate syntax & check security issues
terraform fmt
terraform validate

## Terraform "plan" what it is going to do
terraform plan -out tfplan

## Build the VPC
terraform apply tfplan

## Destroy what we have created !!!
# terraform destroy -auto-approve

⭐ Terraform is used in several stages, you have already completed the initialize stage.

Terraform Stages


✍️ VPC Networking using Terraform IaC

🎯 aws.tf
🚀 main.tf
🚀 main.tf >> enabe_dns_hostname=false
## Terraform State
ls terraform.tfstate

## List the contents of the Local State
terraform state list
terraform state show aws_vpc.tf-vpc