Terraform Private EKS

We will build a private EKS cluster using Terraform, using Cloud9 IDE as a bastion host and also create a VPC hosted CI/CD pipeline using CodeCommit, CodeBuild & CodePipeline.

EKS Terraform Scenario

✍️ Why we build a Private EKS cluster in Enterprise
🎯 1. Initial Setup for centralize Terraform State πŸš€
🎯 2. Setting up the VPC Networking πŸš€
🎯 3. VPC Peering: Cloud9-VPC & CI/CD-VPC with EKS-VPC πŸš€
🎯 4. IAM Roles and Policies for EKS πŸš€
🎯 5. EKS Cluster Creation πŸš€
🎯 6. Create customized managed Node Group πŸš€
🎯 7. Enable AWS Load Balancers on EKS πŸš€
🎯 8. EFS CSI Driver πŸš€
🎯 9. Deploy K8s Addons πŸš€
🎯 10. Deploy a K8s Application using the CLI πŸš€